Google AdSense is one of the best monetization platforms available to bloggers and the ones who rely on digital marketing. However, there is a lot of ambiguity around the kind of revenue and CPM that is generated via AdSense. No one has clear access to the AdSene CPM rates that are drawn. So, I have brought out my segmented list of CPM rates to show you your possible earnings. This is a segmented overview of what CPMs are to be expected from AdSense in accordance with different kinds of ad formats, ad sizes, bids and such. Here, you will find AdSense CPM rates in Australia for 2020
AdSense CPM or CPC Rates in Australia: Ad Format Types
The CPC and CPMs that you will see here are from an educational blog. Here is the CPM you can expect from Australia traffic based on different ad formats.
- Display: $0.19
- Link units: $0.18
- Native: $0.22
- Matched Content: $0.10
- In-Article: $0.17
- Auto Ads (in-page): $0.10
- Auto Ads (display): $0.04

The CPM from auto display ads in the lowest even when the viewability is the highest because the click through rates are so low. You might want to keep a check on the generated CPM if you have enabled auto ads. Some ad formats are so similar that you can interchange their CPMs like- Display, native and in-article. The average here is about 15 cents buy you can definitely take it up to 50 cents depending on the niches and websites that have more niche.
AdSense CPM or CPC Rates in Australia: Device Types
The kind of devices have direct affect on metrics like CPM,CPC and CTR because of the different ways the campaigns react on each. Some campaigns are great for desktop, while some are good only on mobiles and this makes the demand from advertisers vary. This also leads to visible fluctuations in the CPCs. There is a differences between CTR from desktop and that from mobile. Hence, I have shared the RPM report according to kind of devices. Generally, and for most websites, the CPM from desktop pages are higher in comparison with mobile. In the graph, you can see how in this instance, mobile devices are more preferred but CPM from desktop is higher.

Here is what you can expect from different kinds of devices-
- Mobiles- $0.17
- Desktop- $0.23
- Tablets-$0.19
AdSense CPM or CPC Rates in Australia: Targeting Types
Two kinds of targeting types is offered to advertisers by Google- Contextual Targeting and Personalized Targeting.The former helps understand what the audience would do and shows ads according to that. The latter takes into account data like visited websites, interactions and other factors and generally, the CPM for this is better in comparison with contextual targeting owing to better ROAS. This is the CPM according to targeting types-

If the impressions are highest from Run of Network, it is indicative of the fact that the advertisers are unable to target you site because of lack of keywords on it. They generally have the lowest CPC and CPM bids.
AdSense CPM or CPC Rates in Australia: Bid Types
If you understand the AdSense rates according to bid types, you would truly understand the kind of ads being shown on your website. Ads from two platforms are shown by Google on publisher websites- AdWords and DBM. The former works on a cost per click model. The latter operates on a cost per mile model. With a decent percentage of CPM bids, you could use ad sizes like 970×300, 300×600, 336×280 for they have the highest CPMs.

The rule for CPM ads is that the larger the ad size, the larger number of ad sizes it can accommodate and thus, increase the total competition and auction pressure. The best ad size is 970×300 because it can accommodate 900×90, 900×120, 970×250, 336×280 ad units and more and it is also a better ad size compared to 970×300 which fails to accommodate the 336×280 ad unit. .
AdSense CPM or CPC Rates in Australia: Creative Types
It is not really important, but you should have a general idea about the kinds of ad creatives served on your site and the revenue it generate. Earlier, the prevalence was limited to text and image based ads, but HTML5 ads have taken the scene by storm and are now responsible for generation of a majority of revenue.

Ad Viewability is a very important metric which helps in retention on CPMs in the long run. You can see how the viewability of native ads is 20% higher than all other ads despite the fact that most ads have similar viewability.
Quick Ways to Increase AdSense CPC or Page RPM
Based on mobile and desktop traffic split, you can tweak your ad setup-
If you traffic is largely from mobile, you can add display ad units of 300×250-
- at the start of content
- post third paragraph of content
- middle of the content
- before the last paragraph.
You can use the plugin for WordPress for this like Quick AdSense.
- If you also have a good percentage of desktop traffic-
- You could add a 600×300 or 700×300 display ad unit for desktop and 300×250 ad unit for mobile like said above. You can use the given plugin to put this in actions and control ad sizes via media query. Or you can make separate ad units of the given sizes and serve them through Advanced ads WordPress plugin and make it a point to use a 300×600 sidebar ad unit.
- It is recommended that you do not use a 728×90 top bar ad unit.
Final Words: Focus on Keywords and CTR
Focus largely on ad viewability, click-through-rate, and CPC rates if you want to increase your revenue from Google AdSense. Select a niche carefully and choose one that comes with keywords that play well and optimize ad placement to get a better CTR and get higher revenue. Hope this helps.